Welcome to dimdates.com!

This website provides an easy way to generate data for a Kimball-style date dimension table (typically called dimDates or similar) for your database, data warehouse, or lakehouse.

Simply configure the options below (what kinds of fields you want, and how some of those fields should be generated), and then export the result as CSV, JSON, or SQL insert statements.


Configure your desired fields and values below, or use the defaults and skip straight to exporting by clicking PREVIEW or EXPORT.
Basic Options

Start date

End date

Field NameDescriptionOptions
Primary key.
The actual date for the record.
Full description of a date, e.g., Monday 1 January 2000.
Short description of a date, e.g., 1 Jan 2000.
Full name of a day, e.g., Monday.
Short name of a day, e.g., Mon.
Full name of a month, e.g., January.
Short name of a month, e.g., Jan.
Calendar Period Options

Week start day

Field NameDescriptionOptions
The day number in the calendar year.
The calendar week number in the year.
Foreign key indicating the calendar week's start date.
Foreign key indicating the calendar week's end date.
The calendar week's start date.
The calendar week's end date.
The day number in the week.
The calendar month number in the year.
Foreign key indicating the calendar month's start date.
Foreign key indicating the calendar month's end date.
The calendar month's start date.
The calendar month's end date.
The number of days in the calendar month.
The day number in the calendar month.
The calendar quarter number in the year.
Foreign key indicating the calendar quarter's start date.
Foreign key indicating the calendar quarter's end date.
The calendar quarter's start date.
The calendar quarter's end date.
The number of days in the calendar quarter.
The day number in the calendar quarter.
The calendar year number.
Foreign key indicating the calendar year's start date.
Foreign key indicating the calendar year's end date.
The calendar year's start date.
The calendar year's end date.
The number of days in the calendar year.
Fiscal Period Options

Start date

Quarter format

Week start day

Allow partial weeks

Field NameDescriptionOptions
The fiscal day number in the year.
The fiscal week number in the year.
Foreign key indicating the fiscal week's start date.
Foreign key indicating the fiscal week's end date.
The fiscal week's start date.
The fiscal week's end date.
The day number in the week.
The fiscal month number in the year.
Foreign key indicating the fiscal month's start date.
Foreign key indicating the fiscal month's end date.
The fiscal month's start date.
The fiscal month's end date.
The number of days in the fiscal month.
The day number in the fiscal month.
The fiscal quarter number in the year.
Foreign key indicating the fiscal quarter's start date.
Foreign key indicating the fiscal quarter's end date.
The fiscal quarter's start date.
The fiscal quarter's end date.
The number of days in the fiscal quarter.
The day number in the fiscal quarter.
The fiscal year number.
Foreign key indicating the fiscal year's start date.
Foreign key indicating the fiscal year's end date.
The fiscal year's start date.
The fiscal year's end date.
The number of days in the fiscal year.
The day number in the fiscal year.
Flag Options
These fields are all boolean flags/indicators.
Field NameDescriptionOptions
Indicates if the date is the first day of the week.
Indicates if the date is the last day of the week.
Indicates if the date is the first day of the month.
Indicates if the date is the last day of the month.
Indicates if the date is the first day of the year.
Indicates if the date is the last day of the year.
Indicates if the date falls on the weekend.
Indicates if the date falls in a leap year.
Preview Data
Preview the data here before exporting, to ensure it's configured as you want it.
12000-01-01Saturday, January 1, 2000Jan 1, 2000SaturdaySatJanuaryJan15226113131111231911200011131366-1-1-1-1-1113131111231901200011130365
22000-01-02Sunday, January 2, 2000Jan 2, 2000SundaySunJanuaryJan25227113131211231912200011131366-1-1-1-1-1113131211231902200011130365
32000-01-03Monday, January 3, 2000Jan 3, 2000MondayMonJanuaryJan31391113131311231913200011131366-1-1-1-1-1113131311231903200011130365
42000-01-04Tuesday, January 4, 2000Jan 4, 2000TuesdayTueJanuaryJan41392113131411231914200011131366-1-1-1-1-1113131411231904200011130365
52000-01-05Wednesday, January 5, 2000Jan 5, 2000WednesdayWedJanuaryJan51393113131511231915200011131366-1-1-1-1-1113131511231905200011130365
62000-01-06Thursday, January 6, 2000Jan 6, 2000ThursdayThuJanuaryJan61394113131611231916200011131366-1-1-1-1-1113131611231906200011130365
72000-01-07Friday, January 7, 2000Jan 7, 2000FridayFriJanuaryJan71395113131711231917200011131366-1-1-1-1-1113131711231907200011130365
82000-01-08Saturday, January 8, 2000Jan 8, 2000SaturdaySatJanuaryJan81396113131811231918200011131366-1-1-1-1-1113131811231908200011130365
92000-01-09Sunday, January 9, 2000Jan 9, 2000SundaySunJanuaryJan91397113131911231919200011131366-1-1-1-1-1113131911231909200011130365
102000-01-10Monday, January 10, 2000Jan 10, 2000MondayMonJanuaryJan1021016111313110112319110200011131366-1-1-1-1-111313110112319010200011130365
Export Options
Configure the export options here.

(Only CSV export supported for now; SQL and JSON support coming soon.)

Rows: 18,263 | Columns: 8

dimdates © 2025 Dennis Barrett  |  v0.1 (change log)  |   github.com/dennis-barrett/dimdates-dot-com